Thursday, May 21, 2009

When you know you've done something right...

When attending my son Riley's preschool graduation yesterday, one of the other mothers approached me. She told me something her daughter had said to her one day. She'd said, "Mom, sometimes kids at preschool are mean...but Riley's NEVER mean."

It's amazing how that simple, honest statement from a 5-year-old girl (relayed through her mother) could fill me with such pride. You always hope your kids behave well when they are away from you, so to know that my son treats other children well when I'm not's a real testament to me that I must have done something right. And that feels so good!

When have you known you've done something right with your children?


  1. Oh, this made my eyes fill up with tears. You're such a great mom and your kids show it! Love you! :)

  2. Samantha,

    Sometimes I don't feel like I'm getting through to my kids, especially on days when they are driving each other (and me) nuts! And then something like this happens and makes it all worth it! Tears were definitely in order!

    Thanks for your sweet words!! (Love you too!)

    Jen (Auntie)


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